Platelet Rich Plasma

The Clinic

Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy

PRP Beauty HQ
What is PRP Therapy?

Sometimes referred to as the “vampire facial,” this innovative procedure uses your body’s own growth factors to rejuvenate facial areas, scalp, hands and more.

Why PRP?

PRP therapy, or platelet-rich plasma therapy, has gained popularity  for good reason. With the power to improve everything from dark spots and wrinkles to skin tone and texture, PRP therapy is an effective anti-aging treatment that can do wonders for the skin.

Benefits of PRP
  • Helps hair loss
  • Improves Wrinkles and Fine Lines
  • Tighter, Smoother Skin
  • Reduces Skin Discoloration
  • Long-Lasting Results
What to expect at your appointment?

Same as with other treatments at Beauty HQ you will be asked to complete a consultation form on your arrival.  Then you will have a thorough consultation with one of our team members. 

During a PRP therapy treatment, one of our experienced staff members will draw your blood and place it in a machine called a centrifuge. This machine rapidly spins the blood to separate the platelets from other components, leaving behind platelet-rich plasma, or what we like to call “liquid gold.”

Once the platelet-rich plasma is separated from the blood, your injector will then use this for treatment.

What results can I expect?

For best results, we typically advise three to four treatments spaced one month apart and six-monthly maintenance treatments thereafter, depending on your response and results.

On the face, neck, décolleté, and hands you can expect to see results within four to six weeks of initial appointment.

On the scalp you can expect to see results within two to three months of initial treatment.

How long does it take?

Your appointment time will be approx. 90 minutes long.

The price of this treatment is available upon enquiry with our reception 061 46 7776.

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